Thursday 4 July 2013

The Danger of Being a Journalist

Bogota, Colombia

Conflicting Ideas

"The blind and the seeing are not equal"
"Everyone is equal"
"Thou shalt not judge"

There are those who blindly follow their faith
Pass judgement onto others
Not on the kind of life the live
But the words they utter
They murder infidels, unbelievers, innocents
People whose only crime
Was to believe in something different
And they murder
 Not for the love of religion or ideology
But for power
Justified in the name of ____
Spurred on with the promise of reward

How immoral does one need to be
To do 'good' solely for the reward
But strangely enough
All the ideologies preach explicitly
About the importance of 
Peace, love and understanding
But understand this 

The blind and the seeing are not equal
But the blind often confuse themselves
As the ones who are seeing
Everyone is equal
Regardless of sex, gender or preference
But regrettably not in morals or ethics
Thou shalt not judge
Otherwise accept that thee shall be judged
And be under threat of being exposed
As not only a hypocrite
But also a fool

Throw Caution to the Wind

Come on over here and talk to me
I promise I won't bite
I've heard some stories about you
And I know you're kind of shy
But I always see you here
Animating stories to your friends
Why won't you tell them to me?

Throw caution to the wind!

These guys are boring me 
So come over and talk to me
What's there to lose?

Pride and dignity!

There are only so many steps
I can take  in your direction
Before my legs give up
Every time I look over
And see you with another guy
It puts doubts in my eyes
I guess I'll have to wait in line

Your mystery is occupying
Too much space in my mind

Throw caution to the wind!

Legs don't fail on me
Brain think of something witty
What's there to lose?

Absolutely nothing!

Throw caution to the wind!

She's on her own now
Grab this opportunity

He's coming over here
I hope it's for me

She smiles so sweetly
So stop fidgeting...

He smiles so sweetly
Come on stop blushing...

And then I opened my mouth to speak
And spontaneously...

Extinguishing the Light

Oh please forgive me
I never wanted you to worry
All those white lies
Were intended without malice or deception
I wanted to protect you
From my spiralling life
I thought the truth would make you cry
Adding to my own hefty burden

In that period of my life
I just didn't know how to deal with my problems
Extinguishing the light
That shone down upon

Oh please forgive me
All your efforts weren't in vain
How hard you tried
To change my adolescent perceptions
But all the good advice
Was laced with too much pressure
Pushing me into a corner
Increasing my desperation

In that period of my life
I just didn't know how to solve my problems
Extinguishing the light
That shone down upon me

Oh please forgive me
But I'm stronger for it
Without a guide
I had to learn to take responsibility
Choosing to take flight
In a self imposed exile
Gave me enough space and time
To resolve harmful issues

In this period of my life 
I know how to solve my problems
Basking in the light
That shines down upon me

Friday 14 June 2013

This Modern Life

I’m sick of this place
Full of monotonous faces
Preoccupied with non-existent dangers 
Life savings spent on the new flavour
Monoliths cold and grey
Sullen faces seeing out the day
All focused on selfish gain
Following the Machiavellian way

Hakob Hakobyan

Hungry Crocodile in Oslo

Travel Advice

Street art in a dodgy area of Lisbon



It's the slightest imperfections
That make you perfect

Those beautiful eyes
Whose colour I cannot tell
A shining beacon 
Akin to a lighthouse
Capturing my undivided attention
After being woefully lost at sea
Lulling me with the promise
Of safety and security

Your thinly curved lips
A slight shade of red
That requires someone
With the courage of Moses
To force them to part

Those three freckles on your cheek
An uncanny resemblance
To the Bermuda Triangle
A subtle reminder
That you are a mystery 
That will remain unsolved
My biggest regret
Not asking for the key

Years later
Reflecting on my idolatry
I can't help but think
Of how naive I was 
Perhaps even foolish
Of worshipping your image
Combined with my fictional creation
Of your personality and character

And I begin to speculate
If fantasy were to collide with reality
Would it shatter the paradox
Or would our growing relationship
Expose my flawed preconceptions
And reveal your strange mannerisms
And curious idiosyncrasies
"Slight imperfections"
And prove you to be more perfect
Than I could possibly have imagined


Satisfy your urges
Don't fight it
It'll help you see more clearly
To reach that moment of clarity
Let reality unravel itself
But stay vigilant
Beware of the danger
Now is the hour
That the demons come out
See through their disguises
Peel off their masks
They can't hide from you now
Now you can decipher their code
They mock, slander, defame
Your good name
Right in front of you
Laughing as if you don't understand
Laugh with them
Laugh at how you will...
How you will make them suffer
These so called friends
Openly ridiculing you
But you are smart
All dressed in wool
They can't see through your disguise
Keep satisfying your urges
The time is drawing near
To vanquish these demons
In the name of redemption
Are you satisfied yet?
Good, now wash your hands

Lust Doesn't Betray...

You move the oceans with your body
Letting me trail behind
Oh you're driving me out of my mind
That suggestive stare
That always leads nowhere
I may as well be doing time

You are always top of my list
Yet it comes as no surprise
That my letters up North
Never get any replies
So I unwrap you with my eyes
It's such an unfulfilling exercise

I don't know why I keep doing this to myself
Obeying every call and request
Maybe it's because lust doesn't betray the eyes
And everybody knows 
That love gets lost on the inside

Thursday 6 June 2013

It Takes One to Screw Up the Tango

Then we had that conversation
Where you said you hate me

Don’t you remember?
You committed the first sin

I just dug myself a grave
So I could find some company

You were the one

Seasons Changing

The icy wind is calling
Enticing the leaves to start falling
Thunderous clouds are threatening
Amplifying the mounting tension
The freezing river mirrors the situation
Of two reflections fading

The leaves lose their vibrancy
But still they move restlessly
Slowly decaying away unforeseen
To the melancholy beauty
Who can’t help but wonder
If this is the final scene

Find a compromise
It doesn’t dent one’s pride
Her attendance
Is an indication

The weather shows no sign of subsiding
The problems won’t go into hiding
There’s no justification in stalling
All excuses have been exhausted
Inaction is the cowardly way of explaining
The different paths we are set on taking

Stop watching her
Go talk to her
Silence only guarantees
There won’t be a next time

Her shadow moves swiftly
Beneath the trees sorrowfully swaying
The wind passing through
Produces a mournful wailing
Her emotions captured perfectly
In the seasons changing

Monday 20 May 2013

A Travellers Life

The road is long
The potholes deep
The rain falls down
Like endless grief
The car of strangers
Are my company

And still there is no end in sight

And all that remains of me
A distant memory
In their minds

Secrets were shared
Of times gone by
Our trust unspoken
Yet always implied
Those precious moments
Etched in my mind

And still there is no end in sight

And all that remains of me
A distant memory
In her mind

The lonesome bar
A great place to unwind
New friends made
On borrowed time
Many stories told
With the help of wine

And still there is no end in sight

And all that remains of me
A distant memory
In their minds

The hardest part
The long goodbye
Our emotions known
From weeping eyes
But please don't think
I left you behind

And still there is no end in sight

And all that remains of me
A distant memory
In her mind

Many borders crossed
More bribes denied
Talk translated
Through faulty lines
But I still manage
To get on by

And still there is no end in sight

And all that remains of me
A distant memory
In their minds

Days are lost
Months fly by
The old life gone
Changes deep inside
All routine is spared
In a travellers life

And still there is no end in sight

And all that remains of me
A distant memory
In their minds

Saturday 18 May 2013


Those tears you cry, they're not for me
A desperate plea to leave it be
My promise of change waited for patiently
After I destroyed your dreams so mercilessly

I ripped apart your life for my selfish pride
Left you on the cross to be crucified
My fatal flaw all the times I lied
Arousing suspicion that I never tried

The tears have dried upon your face
Time is my enemy upon which I race
My salvage mission picks up the pace
My desperation reaps not a trace

The deepest wound, your distant stare
Straight through me as if I wasn't there
All memories gone, the cupboard bare
Condemning me to the electric chair

The final act of indignity
Forgiveness not asked, but given to me
My humiliation evident for all to see
Until I finally accept full responsibility

Thursday 16 May 2013

Golden Orb

I don't want to lean in too close
And test the strength of the spiders web
That after much time, energy and effort
Has turned into a work of art
Each new line the strengthening of bonds
Intricately constructed with care
Designed to catch every vital piece
That will benefit both spider and web
Making it easier to withstand the wind and rain
And glisten gloriously in the sunshine
To find the limitations for the sake of it
Would be the destruction of beauty 
A grave misuse of power and trust
That will require tremendous effort and patience
To repair and rebuild to its former status

Hook, Line and Sinker

Baited with a controversial topic
Lured in by a witty remark
Hooked by an outlandish statement
Then you let run with an endless diatribe
Trying to reel in support
And I get that sinking sensation
I can fight and tire myself out to no avail
Or I can play smart and swim with the current
Because you obviously forgot to factor in
That apathy is a ranters worst enemy

Sunday 12 May 2013

Shakespeare in Love

And now
Yes now
Why now
After everything...

Was it inconsequential to you?
Was it a waste of time for me?
Was it an act for you?
I thought it was a rehearsal for me

The Orchid

You remind me of the orchid who refuses to expose its flower to me
A reminder of something I cannot worship
A pious person who can never know his God

I do not doubt its beauty
I can never fully fathom its complexity
I marvel at its simplicity
Naturally beautiful without effort
Memorable without being ostentatious

Unbeknownst to the orchid
It is appreciated by all
Only spoken in the company of good words
An enigma in this modern age

How I wish to see this orchid flower
Not to force it to bud too soon
But to help it blossom
Into the spectacular flower it is destined to be
(Don't be afraid to flower)

But I fear you may not need me
Maybe I am a hindrance
I sincerely hope not

But it is not the only thing I can sincerely hope for
I hope the orchid flowers
Even if I am not there to see it
And I would like to think
That I helped it blossom

And so I leave
Pitying the poor man who passes this orchid
Without recognising the beauty within

And one day
Just one day
I hope to encounter this orchid again

A glance
A momentary connection
A speck in the existence of time
To see the orchid in full bloom

And even if this orchid fails to remember this travel weary face
I will take delight in knowing
That it did flower
And fulfil its destiny

Saturday 11 May 2013

The Tunnels in my Dreams that Lead to...

Sometimes we forget those memories
Those memories close to us
And when they infiltrate our subconscious
In our tired desperate minds
They appear as mystical dreams
Dreams that have substantial meaning
And so we throw them away
In the Nostradamus bin
But what if we
Followed through these questionable beliefs
Pursue our implausible dreams
What would we achieve?
Would we free ourselves
From the constraints
Of overanalysing every deed
Would we break down
Our perceptions of reality
Our preconceived notions
Of our place in society
Would we purify our being?
Would we change our nature
That tells us to doubt ourselves
Over self belief

When Monsters Lived Under The Bed

A quarter acre block. A small red brick house. Not enough bedrooms. An untidy garden. A veranda surrounded by fly screen. Cicadas screeching and yelling. The deafening roar pulsating. The sun scorching. The sprinkler rotating. Kids running through the streams of water. A single mother watches on. The kids cover themselves in mud. A cloak too protect them from the imaginary monsters lurking.
The humidity presses down like an unconfessed sin.

Sunday 5 May 2013

The Tav

A dive
A shithole
A place where
Has beens
Can bask in the glory of anonymity

The glass of poison
An obligatory accessory
While trying to impress
With borrowed anecdotes
To the lonely crowd
That is their shadow

Thursday 2 May 2013


Stumbling in the dark with a bottle in my hand
My form of salvation
Trying to mask the burning sensation
As the poison washes down my throat
A necessary sacrifice
To regain temporary control
And escape the torment of sobriety

Unwilling to relinquish control
I consume more poison
Further entrenching myself
In a psychological quagmire
And continue the dangerous cycle
Of justifying my actions
Through irrational thought and contradiction

The darkness illuminates the sinister shapes
The poison distorts the danger
Nothing can stop me now
And I'll stand by all this drinking
If it helps me get through these days

Wednesday 1 May 2013

The Little Prince Found A New Home

While walking around Yerevan, Armenia I came across a familiar figure. This is one of my favourite books, and hence you could guess how surprised I was to find this stencil in Armenia. It's nice to know that Expurey's "The Little Prince" is influencing people's lives all over the world...

"I don't understand" said the Little Prince

Monday 29 April 2013

Poetry in Motion

Poetry in motion
Poetry in motion
Poetry in motion
Poetry is not in motion
It is not the turning of a wheel
The movement of a cog
The finely tuned mechanical movement
Of a set piece
In accordance to a formula

It is passion
It is freedom
It is the ability to express oneself
However they may feel

It is the spirit within
That defines poetry
And gives it meaning, soul and feeling

Poetry is instant
Freedom without constraint 
A wheel turning to its own tune
Unreliant on the adjoining piece

Poetry is the motion
Of a soul confused
Unable to put the pieces together
Yet able to pull them apart
And reveal mysteries
Unseen to the mechanical eye